“Econometer” the gear’s baby elephants performance achieved the prize of honorable mention from BRAND’S GEN Contest
in association with the Office of The Basic Education Commission ( Ministry of Education), National Innovation Agency, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Cerebos (Thailand) Ltd. The academic performance name “Econometer” is the innovation to progress in response to energy saving and global warming campaign which could particularly resolve the problems of household electrical usage calculation as users do not generally know the actual consumption of electricity in use at the time of usage. The idea has given encouragement to develop a special meter to specifically calculate and clarify electrical consumption in order to let users plan their monthly electrical usage properly. The functions will monitor electrical power in use to evaluate the use rate and consumption which will result to the bill payment of that month end, if the use rate is over payment limit, the light will notify and it will send data to user’s device to shut down unnecessary electrical appliances and save more energy usage. Therefore, the prize that they have achieved was resulted by the national vote.